Donations can be dropped off at The Hub during business hours (10-6, Thursday-Saturday). Please read the information below before bringing your donations – we may not be able to accept some of your items.
Bicycle Donations: We are at maximum storage capacity for bicycle donations so we are accepting limited types of bicycles and frames. The bikes we may be interested in are steel frame bikes from the early 80s to the early 00s, as well as aluminum Cannondales from the same era. These are the bikes we believe make the most practical commuters so we will be focusing our refurbishing efforts on bikes of this type. We do not accept kids bikes, tandems, recumbents, or department store bikes. If you are unsure whether your bike would be of interest to us, feel free to send pictures to and we will get back to you.
We can accept other complete bicycles for recycling, but we will charge a service fee of $25 per bike to cover the labor cost of disassembly and processing. (It takes 2-3 hours per bike to strip it down to raw materials and to recycle those materials appropriately.)
Parts Donations: We are still accepting small parts and accessories in fair working condition. We do not accept car accessories.
Financial Donations: We do gratefully accept direct financial donations and we appreciate any assistance you are able to provide, even if it’s just $1. We are a certified 501(c)(3) organization so all donations are tax deductible. You can make a one-time or recurring cash donation here:
Click HERE to donate to The Hub!

Other ways to get involved:
TRASH CLUB is a volunteer bike-powered litter cleanup crew that meets at the Hub’s Ohio St. office on the first Sunday of every month. Learn how to participate and help us take care of Whatcom Creek!